
| A |
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-L- |
Lafayette |
Fate, Fayette, Left, Leffie(y) |
Laodicia |
Dicy, Cenia |
Lauren |
Laurie, Ren |
Laurinda |
Laura - (m) Lawrence |
Lauryn |
Laurie |
Laveda |
Veda |
Laverne |
Verna - (m) Vernon |
Lavinia/Lavonia/Louvinia |
Vina, Viney, Vonnie, Wyncha |
Lawrence |
Larry, Lars, Laurence, Lawrie, Lon, Lorry - (f) Laura |
Leanne |
Annie, Lea |
Lecurgus |
Curg |
Lee |
names with "Le" |
Lemuel |
Lem |
Lena |
names ending with "leen/lina" |
Leonard |
Leo, Leon - (f) Leona |
Leonidas |
Lee, Leon |
Leonore/Leonora |
Elenor, Honor, Nora |
LeRoy |
Lee, Roy |
Leslie |
Les, Lester |
Letitia |
Lettie, Lettice, Titia, Tish |
Levicy |
Vicy |
Levone/Lavonne |
Von |
Lillian |
Lil (a), Lilly, Lolly, Odie |
Lina |
names ending with "lena/lina" |
Lincoln |
Link |
Lionel |
Leon |
Littleberry |
Berry, L.B., Little |
Lois |
Heloise, Louise |
Loretta |
Etta, Laura, Lorrie, Retta |
Lorinda/Laurinda |
Laura |
Lorraine |
Lorrie |
Lotta/Lotty |
Charlotte, Charlotta |
Louis |
Lewis, Lou, Louie - (f) Louise |
Louise |
Eliza, Eloise, Lois, Lou, Lulu - (m) Louis |
Louvenia/lavinia |
Vina, Viny |
Lucia |
Lucy - (m) Lucius |
Lucias |
Lucas, Luke |
Lucille |
Ceall, Cille, Lucy |
Lucina |
Sinah |
Lucinda |
Cindy, Lucy |
Lucretia |
Creasey |
Luella |
Ella |
Lunetta |
Nettie |
Lurana |
Lura |
Lynn |
names ending with "lene/lina/lyn" |
-M- |
Mabel |
Amabel, Mehitabel |
Mac, Mack |
Any name starting with Mac/Mc |
Mackenzie |
Kenzy, Mac/Mack |
Madeline |
Lena, Maddie, Madge, Maggie, Maud, Middy |
Madison |
Maddy, Mattie |
Magdalena |
Maggie |
Mahala |
Haley, Huldah |
Malachi |
Mally |
Malcolm |
Mac, Mal, Malc |
Malinda |
Lindy |
Malissa/Melissa |
Elizabeth, Missa, etc. |
Manerva |
Eve, Minerva, Nerva, Nervie |
Manoah |
Noah |
Manola |
Nonnie |
Manuel |
Emanuel, Manny |
Marcus |
Mark - (f) Marcia |
Margaret |
Daisy, Greta, Madge, Maggie, Maisie, Marge, Margo, Meg,
Megan, Metta, Midge, Peggie |
Margarita |
Rita - See Margaret |
Mariah |
Maria, Mary |
Marion |
(f) Mary |
Marian |
Marianna - (m) Marion |
Marilyn |
Mary |
Marissa |
Rissa |
Marjorie |
Madge, Marge, Margie |
Marsha |
Marcie, Mary |
Martha |
Marnie, Mart, Marty, Mat, Mattie, Patsy, Patty |
Marvin |
Marv, Merv, Mervyn |
Mary |
Mae, Mamie, Maria(h), Marie, Marietta, Marion, Maureen,
May, Mercy, Minnie, Mitzi, Mollie (y), Polly |
Mary |
Maura meaning "Big Mary" & Moira meaning
"Little Mary", America, Demaris |
Matthew |
Matt, Matthias |
Mathilda |
Patty, Tillie |
Matilda |
Mat, Matty, Maud, Tilda, Tillie |
Maureen |
Mary |
Maurice |
Maury, Morris, Mossie |
Mavine/Mavery (m) |
Mave |
Maxine |
Max - names starting with "Max" |
May |
Mae |
Mc |
Any name starting with Mac/Mc |
McKenna |
Ken, Kenna, Meaka |
Medora |
Dora |
Megan |
Meg |
Mehitabel |
Hetty, Mabel, Mitty |
Melchizedek |
Dick, Zadock |
Melinda |
Linda, Lindy, Mel |
Melissa |
Alyssa, Lisa, Mel, Milly, Missy |
Mellony |
Mellia |
Melody |
Lodi |
Melvin |
Mel |
Melvina |
Vina |
Mercedes |
Merci/Mercy, Sadie |
Micajah |
Cage |
Michael |
Mickey, Mike, Mitchell |
Michelle |
Mickey, Shelly |
Mildred |
Mell, Milly, Mimi |
Millicent |
Milly |
Minerva |
Mina, Minnie, Nerva, Nervie |
Miranda |
Mandy, Mari, Mira, Randy |
Miriam |
Mary, Mitzi |
Mitchell |
Michael, Mitch |
Mitzi |
Mary |
Monet |
Nettie |
Monica |
Monna(ie) |
Monteleon |
Monte |
Montesque |
Monty |
Montgomery |
Gum, Monty |
Mortimer |
Mort |
Moses |
Amos, Mose, Moss |
Muriel |
Mur |
Myrtle |
Mert/Myrt, Myrti |
-N- |
Nadine |
Dee Dee, Nada |
Nancy |
also a male name |
Nancy |
Agnes, Ann, Nan, Nance, Nannie |
Naomi |
Omi |
Napoleon |
Leon, Nap,Poley, Pony |
Natalie |
Nattie, Nettie - name given child born Christmas day |
Natasha |
Nat, Tasha |
Nathaniel |
Jonathan, Nat, Nate, Natty, Nathan, Tan |
Nelson |
Nels |
Nicholas |
Nick/Nicky, etc. |
Nicodemus |
Nick |
Nicole |
Cole, Nikki, Nole |
Nora |
Nonie |
Nowell |
Noel |
-O- |
Obadiah |
Diah, Dyer, Obe, Obed, Obie |
Obedience |
Beda, Beedy, Biddie, Obed |
Octavia |
Tave, Tavia |
Odell |
Odo |
Olive |
Ollie |
Olivia |
Livia, Olive - (m) Oliver |
Oliver |
Ollie |
Onicyphorous |
Cy, Cyphorus, One, Osaforum, Osaforus, Syphorous |
Orilla/Aurilla |
Ora, Rilly |
Orlando |
Roland |
Orphelia |
Phelia |
Oswald |
Ossy, Waldo |
Otis |
Ode, Ote |
-P- |
Pamela |
Pam |
Pandora |
Dora |
Parthenia |
Parsuny/Pasoonie, Phenie, Teeny |
Patience |
Pat, Patty |
Patricia |
Pat, Patsy, Patty, Tricia, Trish, Trixie - (m) Patrick |
Patrick |
Paddy, Pat, Patsy, Peter, Patricia |
Paul |
(f) Paula, Pauline, Polly |
Pauline |
Polly |
Penelope |
Neppie, Penny |
Percival |
Perce/Percy |
Permelia |
Mellie (y), Milly |
Pernetta |
Nettie |
Persephone |
Seph,Sephy |
Petronella |
Nellie |
Pharaba/Pheriba |
Ferbie, Pherbia |
Pheney |
Josephine |
Philip |
Filip, Phil, Pip, etc. - (f) Philippa |
Philadelphia |
Delphia |
Philander |
Fie |
Philipina |
Phoebe, Penie |
Philomena |
Mena (f) Almena |
Phoebe |
Fifi |
Pinckney |
Pink |
Pleasant |
Ples |
Pocahontas |
Pokey |
Posthuma |
Humey |
Prescott |
Pres, Scott |
Priscilla |
Cil/Cilla, Ciller, Prissy, Siller |
Providence |
Provy |
Prudence |
Densy, Prudy |
-Q- |
- |
-R- |
Rachel |
Rae/Ray, Raech |
Randolph |
Dolph, Rafe, Randall, Randy |
Raphael |
Raff |
Ramona |
Mona |
Raymond |
Ray |
Rebecca |
Becca, Beck, Beckie (y), Reba |
Regina |
Gina, Ray |
Reginald |
Reg, Reggie, Rex, Reynold |
Reuben |
Rube, Ruby |
Reynold |
Reginald |
Rhoda |
Rodie |
Rhodella |
Della |
Rhyna |
Rhynie |
Richard |
Dick, Rich(ie), Rick, Ritchie |
Robert |
Dob, Dobbin, Bob(by), Rob, Robin, Rupert - (f) Roberta |
Roberta |
Bert, Bobbie, Robbie - (m) Robert |
Roderick |
Erick, Rod, Rickie |
Roger |
Hodge, Hodgekin |
Roland |
Orlando, Rowland |
Ronald |
Ron/Ronnie |
Roscoe |
Ross |
Rose |
names starting with "rose" |
Rosina |
Sina |
Roxane |
Rox/Roxie |
Rudolph |
Dolph, Rolf, Rollo, Rudy |
Rufina/ReFina |
Fina |
Russell |
Russ |
Ryan |
Ry |
-S- |
Sabrina |
Bri, Brina, Sabby, Sabra, |
Salome |
Loomie |
Salvador |
Sal |
Samantha |
Mantha, Sammy,etc. |
Samson/Sampson |
Sam |
Samuel |
Sam, Sonny |
Sandra |
Alexandra, Sandy |
Sanford |
Sandy |
Sarah |
Cera, Sadie, Sal, Sallie, Sara(i), Sukie, Surry |
Sarilla |
Silla |
Sarina/Serena |
Rena, etc. |
Savannah |
Anna, Vannie, etc. |
Scott |
names with "scott", Sceeter, Squat, Scottie |
Sebastian |
Sebby |
Selma |
(m) Anselm |
Serena |
Rena,etc. |
Serilla |
Rilla |
Shaina |
Sha, Shay, Sha-Sha |
Sharon |
Sha, Shay |
Sheila |
Cecilia |
Sheldon |
Shelly |
Sheridan |
Dan, Danny |
Sidney |
Sid |
Sibbilla, Sibbell, Sybill |
Sibbie |
| Sid |
Sigismund |
Sig |
Silas |
Si |
Silence |
Liley |
Silvester/Sylvester |
Si, Syl, Sly, Vest, Vester |
Simeon |
Sim, Simon |
Socrates |
Crate |
Solomon |
Sal, Salmon, Sol, Solly, Zolly |
Sondra |
Dre, Sonnie |
Sophronia |
Frona, Fronia, Sophia |
Stan |
names starting with "Stan" |
Stephanie |
Annie, Steph(ie) - (m) Stephen |
Stephen |
Step, Steve (ie), Steven - (f) Stephanie |
Submit |
Mitty |
Sullivan |
Sully |
Susannah |
Hannah, Sudy, Sue, Sukey, Susan, Susie, Suzanne |
Suzanne |
Suki |
Sybill |
Sibbie |
Sydney |
Sid |
Sylvanus |
Sly, Syl |
Sylvester |
See Silvester |
-T- |
Tabitha |
Tabby |
Tamarra |
Tammy |
Tanafra |
Tanny |
Tasha |
Tash/Tashie |
Temperance |
Tempy |
Terence |
Terry |
Teresa |
Terry, Tess, Tessie, Tyrza |
Thaddeus |
Tad/Thad |
Theodora |
Dora |
Theodore |
Dorey, Ted, Theotric - (f) Theodora |
Theodosia |
Dosia, Theo - (m) Theodosius |
Theophilus |
Ophi |
Theotha |
Otha |
Theresa |
Terry, Tess, Tessie, Thursa, Ticy, Tracy, Trissy |
Thomas |
Thom, Tom |
Thomasa/Thomasine |
Tamzine |
Tiffany |
Tiff/Tiffy |
Tilford (m) |
Tillie |
Timothy |
Tim |
Tina |
names ending with "tine/tina" |
Tobias |
Tobe/Toby/Bias |
Tranquilla |
Trannie, Quilla |
Ty |
names starting "Ty" |
-U- |
Unice/Eunice |
Nicie |
Uriah |
Ury |
Ursula |
Sula, Sulie |
-V- |
Valentina/Valentine |
Felty, Val/Vallie |
Valerie |
Val |
VanBuren |
Buren |
Vandalia |
Vannie |
Vanessa |
Nessa, Van/Vannie |
Vernisee |
Nicey |
Veronica |
Franky, Ronnie, Ronna, Vonnie |
Victor |
Vic/Vick |
Victoria |
Toria, Torrie, Tory, Vicki - (m) Victor |
Vida |
(m) David |
Vincent |
Vin, Vince, Vinnie/Vinny |
Viola |
Ola, Vi |
Violetta |
Lettie |
Virginia |
Ginger, Ginny, Jane, Jennie (y), Jinie, Virgie |
Vivian |
Vi, Viv |
-W- |
Waldo |
Oswald |
Wallace |
Wallie/Wally |
Walter |
Wat |
Webster |
Webb |
Wendy |
Wen |
Wilfred |
Fred, Willie |
Wilhelmina |
Billie, Helmie, Mina, Minnie, Willie, Wilma - (m) Wilhelm,
William |
Willie |
names starting with "Wil" |
William |
Bill, Bud, Will |
Willis |
Bill, Willy |
Wilda (f) |
Willie |
Wilma |
(m) Wilhelm, William |
Winfield |
Field, Win, Winny |
Winifred |
Freddie, Winnie, Winnet |
Winton |
Wint |
Woodrow |
Woody - names "wood" |
-X- |
- |
-Y- |
Yeona |
Ona, Onie |
Yulan |
Lan, Yul |
Yvonne |
Vonna |
-Z- |
Zachariah |
Zach, Zacharias, Zachary, Zeke |
Zadock |
Dick, Dock, Melchizedek, Zed |
Zaven |
Zee |
Zebulon |
Lon, Zeb |
Zedediah |
Zed |
Zelphia |
Zel, Zella, Zelphy |
Zepaniah |
Zeph |
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