(onion family) - use with vegetables (except peas and beans), fruit trees, flowering onions, garlic, leek, onions, and flowering onions for aphids, carrot flies, moles, tree borers, and weevils.
Protects roses from black spot, mildew and aphids. BUT is believed to inhibit growth of peas & beans.
Anise –
Attracts predatory wasps, which prey on aphids and it is also said to repel aphids. Improves growth of any plants growing near it.
Bachelor's Buttons -
This plant has a nectar high in sugar content so it is very attractive to hover flies, ladybug, lacewings, and beneficial wasps.
- will repel flying insects (flies & mosquitos, especially) if planted between your tomato
plants. Helpful with tomato hornworms and asparagus beetles.
Bay leaves
- place fresh leaf in container of beans or grains to repel weevils and moths. Use for ladybug invasion by laying leaves around house.
Beans –
Beans will enrich the soil by ‘fixing nitrogen.’ Legumes (beans and peas included) add nitrogen to the soil.
Bee Balm
- use for attracting beneficial bugs and bees, plant with tomatoes to improve
flavour and growth.
- leaves contain large amount magnesium which will help add to the soil, use with lettuce and onions.
- use around tomatoes, strawberries, and fruit orchards, repels tomato worms.
Adds calcium, potassium and other minerals to the soil. Great for attracting
honey bees and more than 100 beneficial insects. Borage may benefit plants growing with it by increasing resistance to pests and disease. Borage will self-seed.
Caraway -
if you have hard, compacted soil plant caraway to help loosen it up. Also attracts beneficial insects.
Castor Bean Plant -
plant in pots within the house; replant outdoors to repel mozzies.
Catnip -
use around eggplant to drive away flea beetles. Repels flea beetle, aphids, Japanese beetles, squash bugs, ants and weevils. Even mice don’t like to be around it. Mints are invasive, be careful.
Researchers at Iowa State University found that nepetalactone, the essential oil in catnip that gives the plant its characteristic
odour, is ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET.
- use near cauliflower, tomatoes, leek, and cabbage. Will repel white cabbage flies.
- plant only a few around cabbage and onions for better flavour. Attracts hoverflies and wasps.
Grow near failing plant to revive it. Improves growth and flavour,
but plant only one plant every 150 feet or so.
- will improve growth and flavour of radishes.
- repels many fruit tree and tomato pests. Will increase flavour and growth of carrots.
Citriodora -
repels mosquitos.
Citronella Grass -
plant in pots to repel mosquitos.
Clover –
A good cover crop to improve soil. Also attracts beneficial insects. There are many different types of clover, each one with qualities that benefit certain conditions.
- plant near all vegetables to repel aphids, slugs, snails, spider
mites, and will draw bees.
Dill -
plant around cabbage and will improve growth and flowers will attract bees. Cabbage will grow better and stronger when planted with dill but don't plant it near your carrots. Reported to help control squash bugs. Swallowtail butterfly caterpillars will eat dill.
- controls aphids, slugs, snails, spider
mites and mosquitoes. Attracts beneficial insects that are looking for nectar but can inhibit growth of many plants so plant away from the garden.
Its foliage and flowers may attract beneficials.
Garlic -
seems to fit in anywhere
- repels ants, aphids, flea beetles, mosquitoes, ticks, onion
flies, weevils, borers, and spider mites. Roses benefit from garlic since it repels aphids. Repels Japanese beetles and other insects, good for planting near raspberries.
Crushed garlic is a good addition to any homemade insecticide spray. Garlic cloves, placed in the ground around plants will deter slugs. Garlic is a natural pesticide against mosquito larvae.
Plant under peach trees to control leaf curl and near roses to enhance scent.
- repels cabbage worms and Japanese beetles, plant around grapes, roses, corn, and cabbage. Spray house and garden plants with geranium oil diluted in distilled water to discourage larvae from feeding.
- most insects will stay away from henbit.
- attracts bees to gardens. Infuse as a spray for cankerworm in trees. Infuse in fresh milk and set in dish as a fly killer.
- around potatoes to encourage growth. May deter Colorado potato and blister beetles.
- will deter cabbage moths if planted around cabbage and grapes and may improve growth for these plants.
Lamium -
repel potato bugs.
Lavender -
ants, aphids, moths and fleas. Use lavender sachet bags to protect clothes against moths. Also
flies and mosquitoes dislike the fragrance, use the oil in insect sprays, or add the cut flowers to flower vases.
- use near carrots, celery, onions will improve the growth and repel carrot flies.
Lemon Balm –
From the mint family, which are invasive. Sprinkle around squash plants to deter squash bugs. Rub the leaves on your skin to repel mosquitoes.
Plant near beehives and orchards to attract pollinating bees. Add juice to furniture polish.
(citronella es) - add 1 to 2 drops (depending on your pets size), of lemongrass or citronella essential oil to your pets shampoo. It added a fresh clean scent and discourages fleas. Also a good mosquito repellent.
Lemon Thyme -
plant in pots to repel mosquitos.
- encourages growth if planted near tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, beans, and roses. Repels many insects like
Mexican bean beetles and harmful nematodes in the ground.
Mint -
will improve
flavour and growth if planted near cabbage and tomatoes.
- known as a trap crop to attract many insect pests. Plant near cabbage, cauliflower, radish, brussel sprouts, collards, turnips, and kohlrabi. If insects are attracted then destroy plants before other crops are harmed.
- repels aphids, ants, cucumber beetles, squash bugs, white flies, and borers near fruit trees. Mainly cucumber and squash will benefit. Acts as trap crop for aphids. Repels borers near fruit trees.
- repels cabbage moths, aphids, weevils, carrot flies,
moles and mosquitoes. Controls rust flies and some nematodes and tomatoes against red spiders. May alter growth of peas and beans. Plant near
beets, tomato, lettuce, strawberry, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.
- plant near broccoli. Repels cabbage butterfly.
- repels carrot flies, rose, and asparagus beetles. Plant near asparagus, carrots, tomato, and roses.
- will encourage growth of corn and squash.
- if planted near corn will provide extra nitrogen.
- deter ants, aphids, fleas, mosquitoes,
ticks, gnats, flies, chiggers and cabbage maggots. Brussel sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage will benefit from pennyroyal.
Rub the leaves on your skin. Strew in cupboards and beds to deter ants and fleas. Disturb leaves occasionally.
(& other Mentha sp.) - repels
controls ants, aphids, cabbage loopers, cabbage grubs, flies, cucumber beetles, flea beetles, squash bugs, whiteflies,
mites. Ants dislike peppermint, you can prevent them from entering by scenting cotton
balls with Peppermint Oil, spraying along shelves, and entryways. Grow near roses to deter aphids. Scatter fresh or dried leaves around food to deter mice.
Petunia –
This pretty flower is also beneficial in controlling asparagus beetle, leafhoppers, certain aphids, tomato worms, and Mexican bean beetles.
- repels most insects like aphids, leafhoppers, spider mites, ticks, and cabbage worms.
- plant around cucumbers to deter cucumber beetles.
- repels cabbage moths, beetles, mosquitoes, and slugs. Plant near beans, carrots, and cabbage.
- Japanese beetles are deterred. Plants like roses and raspberries will benefit from rue. Most plants dislike, plant away from the vegetable garden.
- Companion plant for broccoli, cauliflower, rosemary, cabbage and carrots. Deters cabbage moth, beetles,
carrot flies and ticks. Carrots will love them. Keep away from the cucumbers though.
Put dried leaves among linens to discourage insects. Burn on embers or boil in water to disinfect a room. Smoke deodorizes animal and cooking smells.
- will add nitrogen to the soil so plant near corn. Repels chinch bugs and
Japanese beetles.
- deters ants and aphids. Grow near roses to deter aphids. Scatter fresh or dried leaves around food to deter mice.
Savoury - will improve growth of green beans and deter bean beetles.
- deters ants, striped cucumber beetles, flies, Japanese
beetles, and squash bugs, BUT attracts imported cabbageworms. Plant near cucumber, squash, roses, grapes, fruit trees,
cucurbits, raspberry, and blackberry. Plant with fruit trees, roses and raspberries and cucurbits.
Tie a bunch up and hang as a fly repellent. Tansy can become invasive; be careful about letting it go to seed. Do
not plant anywhere that livestock feed, can be toxic to them.
Thai Lemon Grass
(Cymbopogon citratus) - is an effective mosquito repellent.
- repels cabbage worms, flea beetles, and cabbage maggots. Useful near cabbage.
Tomato -
plant near roses and will protect them from black spot.
(Artemisia) - will deter black flea beetles, malaria mosquitos,
cabbage worm
and butterflies. When planted as a border it helps keep animals and many bugs out of the garden. Can improve
flavour and enhance growth of plants. Said to repel snakes.
- Red Raspberry Leaves (Rubus idacus) - leaves strengthen muscles of the uterus
- Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) - leaves used for bleeding cuts
- Hen-and-chicks (houseleek) - Sempervivum tetorum - soothes minor stings and burns
- St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) - used for burns and scrapes
- Yarrow (achillea millefolium) - stops bleeding
Plant Pennyroyal around the perimeter of the patio or in containers on the deck to help deter
mosquitos and fleas. You can even crush a few of the leaves in your hand and rub them on your skin (avoid your face) to act as a natural mosquito repellent.
Other herbs that work to repel
mosquitos when the leaves are crushed and rubbed on the skin are the lemon-scented herbs like
Lemon Mint, Lemon Thyme, Lemon Grass and Lemon Verbena.
Plant Lavender under the outlet vent from your clothes dryer. When drying clothes, step outside with a cup of tea. The warm air from the dryer vent will spread the scent of Lavender all through the patio or deck area for a relaxing treat.
Hang a bunch of Tansy near the patio door to discourage
flies and ants from entering the house.
Plant the variety of scented geranium called
Pelargonium citrosum 'Vanieeni' also known as Mosquito Plant in containers on the deck or patio to
repel mosquitos from the area. Scented geraniums are very tender perennials. Bring the plant inside as a house plant during the months when there is danger of frost.
Thyme, Mints,
Parsley, Basil, Sage, Marjoram and Oregano lend themselves especially well to being planted in containers. Pot up some of these plants near the kitchen door for convenient fresh herbs within easy reach when you are cooking.
Patio Corner
Web Page
Some plants and herbs have the potential to naturally repel mosquitoes. They can be used in a variety of ways and if used properly can have an impact on the number of mosquitoes around your home. However, care should be taken when handling some of these plants as some people have a sensitivity to them.
Pelargonium Citrosa (citrus geranium) -
This plant can be grown in gardens or pots. They offer a localised protection against mosquitoes by releasing a citronella scent. They grow to be around 1.3 metres in height and are ideal for outdoor areas around your home including BBQ areas,
veranda's and patios.
Pennyroyal, Marigold, Basil and Rue
- These species should be planted in pots and located near doorways and windows, to deter mosquitoes from entering the house. The leaves of these plants can also be rubbed into the skin, which acts as a repellent.
Mint and Garlic
- Mint and garlic can be used as an all-purpose insecticide. Mix equal parts of mint, garlic, onion and lavender and cover with water for 24 hours. Strain the mixture and then spray around mosquito prone areas. |
- Angelica, Queen Anne's Lace &
Parsley - attracts lacewings, ladybugs, hover flies, parasitic mini wasps,
Tachinid flies.
- Golden Marguerite -
lacewings, ladybugs, hover flies, parasitic mini wasps, Tachinid flies.
- Alliums - hover flies, parasitic mini wasps
- Carrots - lacewings, hover flies, assassin bugs,
big-eyed bugs, parasitic
- Bergamot (Bee Balm) -
attracts hover flies.
- Coriander - lacewings, ladybugs, hover flies, parasitic mini wasps,
Tachinid flies.
- White Clover - parasitic wasps,
Tachinid flies.
- Candytuft - syrphid flies.
- Dill & Fennel -
lacewings, ladybugs, hoverflies, syrphid flies, Tachinid flies, parasitic wasps.
- Goldenrod - ladybugs, hover flies, assassin bugs, Big-eyed bugs, parasitic wasps.
- Feverfew & Thyme - hover flies.
- Lavender - hover flies.
- Yarrow - lacewings, ladybugs, hover flies, parasitic wasps.
- Morning Glory - ladybugs, syrphid flies.
- Speedwell - ladybugs, hover flies.
- Alfalfa - ladybugs, assassin bugs, big-eyed bugs, damsel bugs, parasitic wasps.

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